Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

- Unknown

I had a good thing going, until it wasn’t what I wanted anymore.

The career I’d sacrificed weeknights, weekends, and vacations for stopped inspiring me. The city I’d fought culture and religion to come to, left me feeling isolated and disconnected.

I couldn’t relate to my friends. I couldn’t talk to my family. I couldn’t get out of bed some days.

Sound familiar? We’re not the only ones.

Serving others and exploring what’s possible is in my DNA.

I was born in Sri Lanka but grew up in the United Arab Emirates. Amidst many cultural objections, I became the first female within our community to venture abroad alone to a Western country, Canada, for University. That marked the inception and discovery of my adventurous spirit.

Canada taught me the importance of being an explorer. Today, I am a world traveller, a corporate transformer, an entrepreneur, a writer, and a very responsible sibling and daughter. Oh and somewhere along the way, I became a minion to a fat cat named Miss Mabel - she contributes little but demands a lot. It’s not exactly a relationship of equals, but it’s brought me a joy and purpose I didn’t know I was missing.

Family, community, culture and animals have come to mean a lot to me. Being in the service of people and nature has become core to my purpose. Because when I hit rock bottom, the absence of a defined community that could understand my challenges and cheerlead me through a path forward was debilitating. Thankfully, my adventurous spirit served me well and through trial, error, and then success, I found my people (and my pet) who helped me find me, my purpose and my NEXT Phase.

Join me and imagine the possibilities.

I am super agile. I’ve learnt that in a world where you can be anything, be agile, be many things. One trick ponies are old news. Unbound exploration is my brand. Explore, explore more, and then keeping exploring because I know how often we are called to evolve and adapt.

I am able to help others to navigate through crisis and crunches. I leverage my skills, expertise and my network of specialists to inspire and guide individuals through their transformation journeys.

I practice what I preach. I am aware though that I am constantly learning and having to adapt as well. As much as I build the NEXTPhase for others, I also do it more for myself. So that I stay engaged, relevant and contributing to the world around me. That’s my purpose. I hope we at the NEXTPhase help you find yours.